Friday, October 07, 2005

Statement of Purpose

Religion, specifically the Christian religion(s), occupies an important place in the social life of many (perhaps most) residents of the Southern States. So much so that this part of the U.S. has long been known as "the Bible belt". Indeed, there is a perception, not altogether without some merit, that the average Southerner is a Bible-beatin', hellfire-preachin', snake-handlin' fundamentalist (perhaps "snake-handlin'" is a bit over-the-top, but you get the picture).

Increasingly however, the "landscape of faith" is changing and a growing diversity of beliefs is more frequently to be found in the South. This has not necessarily been viewed as a "good thing" by the majoritarian conservative Christian population. Add to this the overall progressive and modernizing trends in the U.S. at large, and we have a great deal of discontent here. And that discontent often reveals itself in attempts by the majority to denigrate or infringe on the rights of the minority.

This is the context out of which this blog springs. It is not our purpose to denigrate or attack religion per se, but rather to support and uphold the wisdom of the Founders of this nation: a secular government functioning by the rule of law and human reason rather than "divine will". To this end we seek to provide reporting and commentary on religion, secularism, and the separation of church and state as it pertains to living in these Southern states. We will not do this by personal attacks on individuals or offensive, hyperbolic rhetoric. We will do this through rational means: dialogue and debate. It is not our intent to offend, but we will not shirk from speaking the truth as we see it. This is our credo and the statement of purpose for this blog.

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